Walk the walk…Talk the talk

Coming together is the beginning… Working together is progress… Keeping together is success…

No one gets true success in life with out some help along the way. Every successful business operates with a system. Our system in Team Triangle is built on the power of people coming together to help the whole rather than one individual. They believe strongly in unity and collaboration. Every week business owners come together to assist one another with growing their business. There is never a question of financial attachment. The belief is one strong solid foundation will benefit all. We do not hold each others hands but rather we lock arms. An entrepreneur is creative, dedicated and inspiring. Entrepreneurs motivate others through not just words but their own actions.

On May 13th we had a special guest come into town to assist not only his growing organization but the area. He walks the walk and talks the talk. He leads his team by example. This was a special day for myself because it was our 25th wedding anniversary. When asked by so many how would we be celebrating? Our reply was with 100 of our closest friends. I am honored to be part of a team that works side by side. Everyone came together and took action to make the event run smoothly. Our volunteers greeted guests and owners with cheerful smiles, our ushers assisted all in finding seats and making sure the event started on time, Phil Roche captured every moment for a lifetime of memories. Kelly Evans started the night by introducing our guest speaker.  Kelly practiced in advance and hit Dennis’s intro out of the ball park. Both Nancy and Dennis were laughing and enjoying the look back at a lifes journey. We were honored to have local coordinator Cheree Culpepper attend the event.

As Dennis started his way to the front of the room the audience erupted with appreciation. He was engaging and educational at the same time. The attendees listened as he explained how we offer an International preloaded website that combines dropshipping and affiliate marking backed with a 22 year business system.  After his presentation Teresa Chan presented Dennis and his wife Nancy with letters of appreciation from Team Triangle. Although they had a long ride home and it was getting late that did not stop Dennis and Nancy from meeting and greeting all who came out. They answered question and mingled with partners.

As an entrepreneur you get the ability to work with whom you want when you want. I am thankful my journey brought me to this destination.

Special thanks Team Triangle leadership Council:

Kelly Evans – Host

GiJuan Scott – Greeter / Shadow to Nancy

Kelli Morrison  – Greeter / Pre ticket sales for June

Registration Table – Ketty Roche, Sandra Childers, Debra Kennedy

Jason Scott – Usher / Shadow to Dennis

Kirk Childers – Usher

Jim Kennedy – Usher

Tamara Porter – VIP seating

Monte Vigilotti – VIP seating

Phil Roche – Photographer

Natalie Eagleburger – Social Media

Janine Picha – Email Campaign






Michele Molinaro

I have been a business owner for over 25 years but can say for the first time; “I own my business it doesn’t own me.” I have traded in my Brick and Mortar for a Click and Order. This gives me financial and time freedom. My business is operates 24 hours a day 7 days a week with no employees. I wake up when I am done sleeping and am able to work anywhere in the world there is a WiFi connection.

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